Frame Data - Flange Braces
(Revised: 01/06/20)

The Flange Brace tab is used to Insert, Revise, or Delete the Flange Braces on Frames.
This tab allows you to modify multiple wall or roof sides at any time.
It is possible to insert stiffeners into a member prior to frame design and detailing.

The options for Flange Braces will vary depending on the detail selected.

The locations of the Flange Brace are measured from the floor line along walls and from the ridge or high side on rafters.
Refer to: Frame Data - Work Points

Sample Options - Flange Braces:

FB to Flange Holes

Used at Flange < 5/8"



Liner: Dim B = Secondary + 3”

Simple Saver: Dim B = Secondary + 2 1/2

FB to Web Holes

        3 PL = 3" Increments from the FO

        Gage EP = 2" from the FI


Liner: Dim B = Secondary + 3”

Simple Saver: Dim B = Secondary + 2 1/2""

FB to FBC2 Clip

Used at Flange > 5/8"



Liner: Dim B = Secondary + 3”

Simple Saver: Dim B = Secondary + 2 1/2"

FB to WSF Clip

At Endposts


Liner: Dim B = Secondary + 3”

Simple Saver: Dim B = Secondary + 2 1/2"

Joist FB to FBC2 Clip

Use 12MDA

Joist FB to WSF Clip

Use 12MDA

Truss FB to FBC Clip

Truss FB to Flange Holes

Used at Flange < 5/8"

Truss FB to WSF Clip

Truss FB to Web Hole



Sample Options - Flange Braces (not automated):


(WBBC2 or SQW)

Dim B = Secondary + 2 1/2"

Note: WBBC2 is Field Located



This list box contains the Flange Braces that are on the selected Frame Column(s) or Rafter(s).

If multiple columns or rafters are selected with different Flange Brace criteria, the list will indicate the unique conditions.



This drop list is used to select Flange Brace type.

The GFB is a 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" x 0.113 angle with 1/2" diameter bolts.

The HFB is a 2 3/4" x 2 3/4" x 0.140 gage angle with 1/2" diameter bolts.

The 12MDA is a 3" x 3" x 3/16" angle with 1/2" diameter bolts.

The 12MDB is a 3" x 3" x 3/16" angle with 3/4" diameter bolts.



This drop list is used to define which side(s) of the web the Flange Brace (s) is located on (One Side or Both Sides).


This edit box is used to define the overall length of the Flange Brace.

The length can be revised by selecting the Length checkbox. This disables the Dimensions A and B.

Dimension A

This edit box is used to define distance from the center of the column or rafter to the center of hole in the secondary member.

Dim A can be revised by selecting the Dim A checkbox.

Column Depth

Dimension A

0” – 28”

1’-10 1/2”

>28” – 42”

2’-10 1/2”

>42” – 60”

3’-10 1/2”

For 2006 IBC (2005 AISC), Dim A may be increase by design to 3’-10 1/2”.

Dimension B

This edit box is used to define distance from the Outside Flange of the Secondary member to the center of hole in the secondary.

Frame Depth

This edit box is displays the depth of the frame including flanges at the Flange Brace location.

Detail Button

This button will display the Detail options, if a detail is selected from the options pictured, it will automatically update the Detail drop list.

Each detail indicates how the flange brace is located.

Detail Drop List

This drop list allows you to select the Detail without having to use the selection options from the Detail button.

Flange Brace Ends

Hardware button will display the Hardware options for the Flange Brace attachment.

Hardware options can be chosen for the Frame and/or Secondary end of flange brace.

Orientation - 0.0

This radio button orientates the bent leg of a Flange Brace toward the work point (End 1).

Orientation - 180.0

This radio button orientates the bent leg of a Flange Brace away from the work point (End 1).


Holes, Clips, Stiffeners, Flange Braces, Brackets, & Misc Clips Locations

(The method used to locate parts on a frame side is the same on all Frame Data tabs.)


Based on the radio button option selected, the location options will be enabled or disabled as required.

Radio Button Options

End 1 / End 2

These radio buttons set the measurement method along the Wall Side (building line / girt line) or the Roof Side (roof line / purlin line). End 1 on a Wall Side are measured from the Finished Floor Elevation, a positive dimension is upward. End 1 on a Roof Side is from the ridge (or high side), a positive dimension is down-slope (along the slope).  End 2 is measured from the low eave.


This option sets the measurement method along a Designed Frame Member. The locations along a column member are measured from the lowest point of the member (along the outside flange) inside any applicable base plate or splice plate, a positive dimension is upward. The Locations along a rafter member are from the highest point (along the outside flange) inside any applicable splice plate, a positive dimension is down-slope (along the slope). The measurement options will be enabled or disabled as required.

Note: This option is not available if the frames have not been designed.


This option sets the measurement method parallel to the floor. This enables the location to be a horizontal dimension from the work point.

Note: This option is only available on rafters.


The option sets the measurement method perpendicular to the floor, measured from the Finished Floor Elevation.

Note: This option is only available on columns.

X and Y

The X and Y radio button sets the measurement method of locating stiffeners using a 2D coordinate value, from the work point. The measurement options will be enabled or disabled as required.

  How to use:

On rafters, the X coordinate will be a negative dimension down from the work point (ridge point or high eave point) at the sheet line.

This option is intended for use on webs, though it can also be used on a flange if desired.

  How to use:

Comparing the usage of all radio button options:  "End 1" is used most frequently.


Total Distance (read only)

This displays the overall length of the Wall Side or Roof Side selected. If multiple columns or rafters are selected with varying lengths, this box will not display a length.

Quantity of Spaces / Spaces At

This edit box is used to insert multiple locations into the list. It is used in conjunction with the Spaces At edit box.

You can insert into the middle of the existing list by selecting a row in the list prior to entering the location information. The locations will be added prior to the row selected without moving the active row.

This edit box defines the distance between the locations inserted into the list. Inserting new rows is used in conjunction with the Quantity of Spaces edit box. Revising a Space will automatically adjust all of the following spaces to new locations.

Location At

This edit box is used to insert or revise a specific location in the list. Locations will be added or modified in the list without moving any other row.

You can insert into the middle of the existing list without selecting a row from the list.

  How to use:

Comparing the usage of both locating methods "Spaces At" & "Location At":  "Location At" is used most frequently.

Location - X / Y

The X - Y work points for columns is at the base and at the ridge or high side for rafters.

X Horizontal

This edit box displays the horizontal dimension from the work point.

Note: On rafters, the X coordinate will be a negative dimension down from the work point (ridge point or high eave point) at the sheet line.

Y Vertical

This edit box displays the vertical dimension from the work point.

Location - Member

Flange Length (read only)

This box is the length of the designed Member's Flange not including bolting plates.

Member ID

This drop list displays the names of the designed Frame Members. The list includes all of the Members along the Frame Line.

Location At

This edit box is the dimension from the edge of the designed Member's Flange not including bolting plates.


Insert, Revise, Delete, and Delete All

These buttons add, modify, & remove row(s) of data into the list.

Standard Controls:

§ View, OK, Cancel, Apply, Help


See also:

§ Frame Data - Side Selection

§ Frame Data - Holes

§ Frame Data - Clips

§ Frame Data - Flange Braces

§ Frame Data - Stiffeners

§ Frame Data - Brackets

§ Frame Data - Misc Plates

§ Frame Data - Work Points

§ Frame Data - Near Side and Far Side