General Information - Regional Settings

(Revised:  09/16/21)

The Regional Settings tab is used to the units of measurement (English / Metric) for input the building information and the output of drawings and reports.


This information is copied from the default job you used to begin this project and can be revised as needed.


Metric Jobs - Detailers must set the Input to "English" prior to detailing building with North America Manufacturing Locations.

Input & Output:


Units used in the Building Editor.


Some product related information might be in English dimensions. Sample:  The names of a Trim Kit may include 8.5’’ secondary members.


Extra Precision (Input Only)

This option converts all dimension edit boxes from 0/0/0 to Decimals of an Inch i.e. 240.56854”.


The system default is to round input dimensions to the nearest 1/16 in, and in some cases where complex building geometry such as skewed walls, non-standard roof slopes, etc. are being entered, the Extra Precision option will prevent rounding, and give an extra level of precision to improve the level of accuracy for these unique building geometries.


Note:  Drawings and reports will show dimension values with the Extra Precision as well, see example of the Reactions Report below.

To avoid creation of drawings and reports that are difficult to read, the Extra Precision option must be turned off before generating drawings and reports.  If additional changes to the VPC file need to be made, the Extra Precision option should be turned back on to prevent the loss of the required precision.



Units used in Reports & Drawings.


Select the dimensional units (English or Metric).

Loading - Force

Select the loading force [Lbs (US standard), Newton’s, kilograms].

Loading - Velocity

Select the loading velocity (Miles per hour (US standard), meters per second, kilometers per hour).


Select the Currency dollars to be displayed on the “Builder’s” Pricing Report.


Standard Controls:

§ OK, Cancel, Apply, Help


See also:

§ General Information - Job Site Information

§ General Information - Order Options

§ General Information - Builder

§ General Information - Division Information

§ General Information - Special Colors