Trim - Selection
(Revised: 10/19/2016)

The Trim Selection screen defines the Trim Kit(s) for each trim condition. The kits in the Current Kit(s) Selected list will be supplied for the Trim Location selected.

Available & Current Trim Kits:




Build List


The Available Kits list is reduced to a select few kits for the condition, also including all user kits.


The Available Kits list will display all the kits that have been defined in the software, also including all user kits.

Build Available

This button rebuilds the Available Kits list (Filtered or All).


This button filters standard & custom trim kit names in Available Kits list using search terms added to box on left.

Wild card symbols (*) & (%) can be used:


(*) - Search terms must be in same word order as kit name.

(%) – Search terms can be in any order.

Advanced Search

This button gives the user the ability to filter by part number, SED number, Planograph number or Kit name

·        Include – System & User Kits, System Kits Only & User Kits Only

·        Type – Kit Name, Part Mark Number, SED Number & Planograph Number

·        Value – User types in search information – Ex. If searching for a specific part, type in a part mark and all available kits with that part will be displayed.


List – Available Kits (top list)

This section lists trim kits available for the condition. This is just a selection list, the parts in these kits will not be provided.

List – Current Kit(s) Selected (bottom list)

The current trim kits are being supplied for this condition. If the kit is located on the building, this kit (all the parts in the kit) will be supplied.

More than one kit can be put in the Current list. But the software will only select 1 kit by default.

Add Kit & Remove Kit

Moves selected kits between the Available and Current lists.

  How to use:

To move a kit from one list to the other, select the kit and use the Add Kit & Remove Kit buttons the move the kit.

The sample above shows how to replace a standard kit with a user defined kit.

When selecting a different kit, the Covering and Insulation may be set to "Not Current".


Select this button to view and define all of the parts in the selected kit.


Select this button to view the SED's that have been generated with this kit.

Panel Operation/Panel Adjustment

Select this button to view and define the panel operations (panel cuts and adjustments) required for this trim condition.


Note: Ice Damming Conditions may be generated if the Ground Snow is >= 20 psf or if the Roof Snow >= 14 psf.

Standard Controls:

§ OK, Cancel, & Help


See also:

§ Trim - View (Parts in a Kit)