Seismic (1993 ASCE):

(Revised:  04/01/08)

Seismic Hazard Exposure Group 1:  Buildings not assigned to Seismic Hazard Exposure Group 3 or Group 2.

Seismic Hazard Exposure Group 2:  Buildings that have a substantial public hazard due to occupancy or use including:

1.)     Covered structures whose primary occupancy is public assembly with a total occupant load greater than 300 persons.

2.)     Buildings for schools through secondary or day-care centers with a total occupant load greater than 250 students.

3.)     Buildings for colleges or adult education schools with a total occupant load greater than 500 students.

4.)     Medical facilities with 50 or more resident incapacitated patients but not having surgery or emergency treatment facilities.

5.)     Jails and detention facilities.

6.)     All structures with a total occupant load greater than 500 persons.

7.)     Power-generating stations and other public utility facilities not included in Seismic Hazard Exposure Group 3 and required for continued operation.

Seismic Hazard Exposure Group 3:  Buildings having essential facilities that are required for post-earthquake recovery including:

1.)     Fire or rescue and police stations.

2.)     Hospitals or other medical facilities having surgery or emergency treatment facilities.

3.)     Emergency preparedness centers including the equipment therein.

4.)     Power-generating stations or other utilities required as emergency back-up facilities for Seismic Hazard Exposure Group 3 facilities.

5.)     Emergency vehicle garages.

6.)     Communication centers.

7.)     Buildings or structures containing sufficient quantities of toxic or explosive substances deemed to be dangerous to the public if released.


See also:

§ Building Loading - Seismic