Secondary Data - Insert a Member Located
(Revised: 09/01/09)

The Secondary Data - Insert Located screen is used to insert a girt or purlin that was not located prior to "Run".

This feature only will locate secondary members on the Surface. It does not locate girts above a wall.

These members will not be designed and will not automatically be Flange Braced.

When locating new secondary member locations, the system can redetail the surface including:

Detail holes/clips on frames, re-detailing sag angles, adding panel fasteners and any small parts.

After the parts are input, further changes can be made to the End Adjustments and Mark Numbers on the Secondary Data - Member Information screen.


Enter the location of a girt or purlin on the desired surface.

Start & End Dimensions

Enter the nominal start and stop dimensions.

  How to use:

If the Location is to the Building Line, then the Girts or Purlins will be detailed 1/4" from the Building Line.

If the Location is to a Frame Line, then the Girts or Purlins will be detailed based on the Lap Type and Lap defined.

A continuous member cannot be located in a single bay, it will require a member in the adjacent bay to recognize a lap.


On a Wall, enter the dimension from the Finished Floor.

On a Roof, enter the dimension down from the Ridge or High Eave on the slope.

Members at

Can be used to locate multiple locations with equal spaces.



The only Type currently available is "Secondary Member".


Enter the Secondary Shape (Zee, Cee…).


Enter the Secondary Depth (8 1/2", 11 1/2"…).


Enter the Secondary Thickness.

Lap Type

Enter the Secondary Lap Type (Simple, Continuous).


Enter the Secondary Lap (Simple: 0", Continuous: 1'-0", 1'-6", 2'-0", 3'-0", 4'-0").

  How to use:

The Lap must be entered to be detailed correctly, especially at Continuous Laps.

Clip Attachment

Select the connection to the Primary Framing (Bolted, Welded, None).

Secondary Offset

If a special condition exists, use this dimension to adjust the secondary offset from the Building Line (Sample: recess the Inset / Outset Condition).

Composite, Nested, & Flip

Select the appropriate checkboxes to define the special conditions.


Secondary Data - Insert Not Located

This screen allows you to enter a new girt / purlin without it having a specific location on the wall / roof.

Standard Controls:

§ OK & Cancel