Building End Use (ANSI, BOCA, SBC, 1988 ASCE, MAST (5th), MAST (6th), MAST (7th), NCST, NYST, OBBC, WIST, CHI, MSY, OKC, SFL, JBSA, 1993 ASCE, CONN, IBC 2000, 2001 FL, 2001 FL (HVHZ)):

(Revised:  12/07/12)

Standard:  All buildings and structures except those listed otherwise.

High Occupancy:  Buildings and structures where the primary occupancy is one in which more than 300 people congregate in one area.

-             Schools (Elementary, Junior high, Senior high, colleges, etc.)

-             Jails and detention centers.

-         Health Care Facilities.

Essential Facilities:  Buildings and structures designated as essential facilities including, but not limited to:

-         Hospitals and other medical facilities having surgery or emergency treatment areas.

-         Fire or rescue and police stations.

-         Primary communication facilities and disaster operation centers.

-         Power stations and other utilities required in an emergency.

-         Structures having critical national defense capabilities.

Low Hazard:  Buildings and structures that represent a low hazard to human life in the event of failure, such as:

-         Agricultural buildings.

-         Temporary structures.

-         Minor storage facilities.


See also:

§ Building Loading - Building Codes