Building End Use (1988 UBC, 1991 UBC, MUBC, LLB, PHX, SEA):

(Revised:  04/01/08)

Standard:  All buildings and structures except those listed otherwise.

High / Special Occupancy:  Buildings and structures designated as essential facilities including, but not limited to:

-         Covered structures whose primary occupancy is public assembly. Capacity is more than 300 people.

-         Buildings for schools through secondary or day-care centers. Capacity is more than 250 students.

-         Buildings for college or adult education. Capacity is more than 500 students.

-         Medical facilities with 50 or more resident incapacitated patients, but not included in Essential Facilities.

-         Jails and detention facilities.

-         All structures with a capacity of more than 5,000 people.

-         Structures and equipment in power generating stations and other utility facilities not included in neither Essential Facilities nor High Hazard, and required for continued operation.

High Hazard:  Structures housing, supporting or containing sufficient quantities of toxic or explosive substances to be dangerous to the safety of the general public if released.

Essential Facilities:  Buildings and structures designated as essential facilities including, but not limited to:

-         Hospitals and other medical facilities having surgery or emergency treatment areas.

-         Fire or rescue and police stations.  Emergency vehicle shelters and garages.

-         Tank and other structures containing, housing or supporting water or other fire-suppression materials or equipment required for the protection of essential or hazardous facilities, or high / special occupancy structures.

-         Structures and equipment in government communication centers and other facilities required for emergency response.

-         Structures and equipment in emergency preparedness centers.

-         Stand-by power generating equipment for essential facilities.


See also:

§ Building Loading - Building Codes