Building End Use (1986 MBMA):

(Revised:  04/01/08)

Standard:  All buildings and structures except those listed otherwise.

High Occupancy:  Buildings and structures where the primary occupancy is one in which more than 300 people congregate in one area.

Essential Facilities:  Buildings and structures designated as essential facilities including, but not limited to:

-         Hospitals and other medical facilities having surgery or emergency treatment areas.

-         Fire or rescue and police stations.

-         Structures and equipment in government communication centers and other facilities required for emergency response.

-         Power stations and other utilities required in an emergency.

-         Designated shelters for hurricanes.

Low Hazard:  Buildings and structures that represent a low hazard to human life in the event of failure, such as:

-         Agricultural buildings.

-         Temporary structures.

-         Minor storage facilities.


See also:

§ Building Loading - Building Codes